
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

how to create a perfect blog part-1

Biggest mistake that you should  not do:

Its nothing….it is copying and pasting one content ftom another content.
Its very bad..why because u send website to google  that is addurl
It send google bot to crawl ur website and ir crawl’s all the web pages…..
It check’s whether is there any content matching with any site…and below the images indexed by google and bing upto now,,
The size of the World Wide Web (The Internet) 2014
updated on july 2014
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Sunday, July 3, 2011

things that freak me out

Biggest mistake you should never do:

Well this is not my first blog  and this may be not my last blog..well i can promise u one thing  that i started again blogging  and now i am damn sure that i am gonna provide my own content to the netizens and internet freaks
I have been very frustrated earlier by blogging..really i’m damned..
Did u know that i myself closed my adsense account.. What a stupid i am.?
Nw that’s it..i will never make any mistake..i was very angry as my blog did nt get any response..well later on i came to know that it was my mistake ..yes i am stupid…

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