Make money with blackptp on autopilot, a easy way to earn 1$ per day, let me tell what ptp means, ptp is nothing but paid to Promote, so all the ptp sites will give you unique link to promote it in facebook, google+, twitter and also you can promote where ever you can, you can also promote in your own blog'
The main thing is you need to get visitors for that link' and make them stay to 5-10 seconds' that's it' you will be awarded a point!
so here are the steps to follow!
1. Register here (skip ad to get the link)
2.use your verified paypal address, so you can get money directly to your account
3.Go to the ptplink tab and you will find your ptp link, like this
4. start promoting that link in facebook and other social networks! make some comments with the links in groups and pages, so users will click on the link
Here comes the autopilot method
1, Register HitLeap - Best Traffic Exchange here
2.This is a traffic exchange site, i think you don't need any introductions for this site, just add your link there and put referrer as default traffic referrer
3. Make 1$ easily!
note: you need to have minutes in your hitleap, so you need to do some autosurf!
so better download this application and enter your details and set it to run! that's it
I will add payment proof soon!